According to the results of the World Bank "GovTech Maturity Index", Uzbekistan moved up by 37 positions in the field of public administration and public services, and by 65 positions in digital skills and innovation in public services

According to the results of the World Bank "GovTech Maturity Index", Uzbekistan moved up by 37 positions in the field of public administration and public services, and by 65 positions in digital skills and innovation in public services

According to the results of the "GovTech Maturity Index" of the World Bank, in the sector of public administration and public services, Uzbekistan moved up by 37 positions and became 43rd among 198 countries and entered the group "A" of the leading countries in the field of digital transformation.

Also, according to the GovTech Enablers Index, the country ranked 4th in the world for digital skills and innovation in public services, up 65 positions compared to 2020.

For reference: The index is based on data from four indicators:

1. Core Government Systems Index

2. Public Service Delivery Index

3. Digital Citizen Engagement Index

4. GovTech Enablers Index

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Uzcard kompaniyasi va Elektron hukumat loyihalarini boshqarish markazi o‘rtasida memorandum imzolandi
27 January
Uzcard kompaniyasi va Elektron hukumat loyihalarini boshqarish markazi o‘rtasida memorandum imzolandi
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