Millions of people are with us

Millions of people are with us

To date, the number of our compatriots who have used electronic public services through the portal has reached three million. This is the result of the work of a large team, which is constantly in search of the functionality of the portal.

From year to year, the portal increases the number of socially significant, entrepreneurial events, various payments and other useful services for the population.

All services presented on the portal and expected to be implemented are intended primarily for the convenience of the life of our compatriots, saving their time and money.

Uzcard kompaniyasi va Elektron hukumat loyihalarini boshqarish markazi o‘rtasida memorandum imzolandi
Uzcard kompaniyasi va Elektron hukumat loyihalarini boshqarish markazi o‘rtasida memorandum imzolandi
27 January
Uzcard kompaniyasi va Elektron hukumat loyihalarini boshqarish markazi o‘rtasida memorandum imzolandi
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Единый портал интерактивных государственных услуг
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