VEON AdTech began to use the services of the Data Center of the "Electronic Government" system

VEON AdTech began to use the services of the Data Center of the "Electronic Government" system

On May 4 this year, an agreement was signed between the E-Government Project Management Center and VEON AdTech.

According to the agreement, the VEON Group company will use the resources of the Data Processing Center of the Electronic Government System for the operation of Big Data projects and digital advertising of the new VEON AdTech division.

The new direction of cooperation will allow us to effectively develop the areas of the VEON AdTech digital division in compliance with high data security standards.

The data center will speed up cloud solutions and make them more accessible to the digital operator and its customers.

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Uzcard kompaniyasi va Elektron hukumat loyihalarini boshqarish markazi o‘rtasida memorandum imzolandi
27 January
Uzcard kompaniyasi va Elektron hukumat loyihalarini boshqarish markazi o‘rtasida memorandum imzolandi
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